Thursday, 23 April 2009

Susan Boyle Singing Star Success

As Britain’s got talent launches once again we anticipate the laughs and the damm right ridiculous!

But when Susan Boyle entered the stage a frumpy middle age woman the immediate thought was she won’t last two seconds. Simon Cowell rolling is eyes with threatening look, as to say who are you?

The audience gasping with giggles of embarrassment but then Susan sang.
She began to sing Les Miserables’ I Dreamed a Dream, this was beautiful and left the judges astonished, clapping from the audience as the auditorium was amazed.

Boyle has become an over night success not only in Britain but overseas, America who especially love Miss Boyle.

Susan has had 100 million hits on ‘YOU TUBE’ becoming the second most popular video above Barack Obama Inauguration speech and one place below Evolution of dance with over 118 million hits.

There has been 30 websites which have sprung up about her using her name to attract web users.

We all to familiar with this over night talent as we remember ‘Paul Potts’ opera singer who win Britain’s got talent 2007.

There are plans for Susan to be made over, let’s hope the transformation can see her success throughout the competition and beyond

Love to all.

P.s- you go Miss Boyle!


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