Sunday, 22 March 2009

Facebook Trauma!

Why it is that every time you log on to your computer the first thing that you think about is logging on to facebook??...
Facebook is central to your life, the addiction that fuels you to want more… you did only check your account two hours ago and the purpose of checking it again really does not make much sense.
But really you may have a new notification, which needs checking!
Really or yes the photo’s from the other night maybe up and you want to de-tag yourself before the whole world and more gets to see you looking terribly shameful, of course the family will see the photos.
The news of me going out again, would only spread like a vicious virus, as you know family, what more do they have to discuss than my life to make family life sound more interesting. So, you know that would be another topical conversation at the dinner table, "Charlotte antics".
As I once again log on to my account it’s only been the third time this day, rather sad I know.
Knowing that they will be no notifications but I still wait for my home page to load, scrolling down looking at the current events, issues, dramas that my friends have been facing.
Well I say friends, can you honestly say that every person you have added on facebook are your friends?
The thing with facebook is that people that wouldn’t generally speak to, would add you? What is up with that? Sometimes it is just so false!
Although you realise that facebook shouldn't dominate your existence it really does, you have to admit it. The issue with facebook, it really can cause a lot of drama without you even knowing. You can’t leave a message or status without someone assuming something that may or may not be the truth.
Although the status application is for you to express your feelings, but really trust me sometimes it isn’t a good idea to express your feelings explicitly haha.
The whole idea of facebook may die out as myspace did and a new craze will come along but for moment I will still stay true to my account. The account that causes more drama than its worth but doesn’t everyone love it!

P.s- New craze Twitter, twitter out! Facebook Rules #1

Much love to all


1 comment:

  1. Excellent post Charlotte. How funny that Social Networking 2.0 really is both the bane and life-force of social lives everywhere.

    Definitely agree with Twitter. Why not check out my recent post on Blogging and Tweeting?:

    Thanks, From Our Rutland Correspondent
